
Who am I?

My name is Tate and I am an avid home brewer. I specialize in easy to make, but great tasting beer and mead. I also have a knack for unconventional home brewing setups. I began home brewing in 2011 and took right to it. I’ve worked in the beer industry in some capacity for most of my life.

I started homebrewing out of curiosity. Seeing all the different brands and styles at the beer distributor I worked for made me wonder how it was they were all made. It also made me wonder why it is that some beers are so popular despite their obvious inferiority in taste. Once I tasted some of the more expensive brands I thought, could I make this at a fraction of the cost?

After making beer for a while, my friend asked me if I wanted to make Mead. At the time I had very little understanding what mead was but it sounded fun. This led to making many batches of mead that I still have to this very day.

Now I’m looking to just keep trying new recipes and styles and building up my skill level as a brewer.

joe's ancient orange mead

Who is this for?

This site is for anyone who is interested in getting into home brewing, but doesn’t know where to start. Perhaps you are looking for a new hobby, or just looking to save money on beer. Either way we have you covered. If you are intimidated at all about starting brewing because it looks difficult, I have broken the process down to be as easy as possible for the beginner to get in and make great brew. I also will be covering advanced tactics for the seasoned home brewer.

beer bottles

If you’re just starting out your homebrewing journey, be sure to check out our Resources Section for all the gear you’ll need.

Welcome and remember to have fun!
